I am from a woman who loved a man. I am from a man who wanted a girl, who did not live to see that girl turn three months old.
I am from alcohol. I am from running while my mother picked up the closest thing to her, no matter what it was, to throw.
I am from confusion and sadness as I’m being taken away from my family. I am from loneliness as I move from place to place.
I am from many schools. I am from isolation. I am from relationships with men. I am from the pain of living life. I am from two motherless and fatherless kids.
I am from addiction as I strike the lighter to a glass pipe with brillo in it. I am from nothing being on the inside to something inside wanting to live.
I am from prayers and seeking the truth. I am from Jesus Christ. I am from my soul being pumped with joy, understanding, peace, and love.
I am from a light renewed heart. I am from a new start, a new beginning at life. I am from being a survivor of life experience.
I am from my life.
(due to prison rules, we are not allowed to share the author’s names)